The New Life Blueprint

It’s not just a book, It’s an Experience. 

In an era where change is the only constant, The New Life Blueprint: A 21st-Century Guide to Success, Health, Wealth, and Happiness in a Complex World by best-selling author Dr. Natalia Peart with Christopher Burge offers a timely and thought-provoking exploration of what it takes to succeed in our rapidly changing world.

The Old Blueprint

The old life blueprint we were all taught was that if you go to school and get a degree, you will get a good job and then find the success, happiness, and fulfillment you hope for based on your hard work. Many are saying that despite doing “everything right” instead of living their American Dream, they’re not seeing the expected results.

Dr. Peart with Christopher Burge have reimagined the blueprint and how we navigate the roadmap to the American dream in change and disruption.

The New Life Blueprint

This groundbreaking work draws insights from fourteen disciplines: neuroscience, economics, organizational behavior, performance psychology, business and leadership management, sports science, and human-centered design thinking. 

The authors have also leveraged their deep professional expertise from decades as a psychologist, leadership and performance consultant, and Wall Street executive, to pioneer a comprehensive career, mental, financial, and lifestyle framework for navigating the complexities of the 21st century that make this book both practical and effective.

The New Life Blueprint not only captures the urgency and necessity for a redefined approach to living in a complex world but also provides an optimistic vision for thriving in the face of disruptive change.

The book is an invaluable resource that demystifies the steps toward not just surviving but thriving in our evolving landscape of life and work and attaining what we all ultimately aspire to…a life well lived.

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