Innovation Lab

Designed For A More Complex World

Life is contextual, so the research and solutions based on our lives must also be contextual. Life is happening in the most unexpected ways, so we need a science that studies this disruption also. That is why our human-centered lab begins with the context of change and disruption that we live in as the basis for our work. We apply scientific rigor to this context, and then we frame and solve problems within the context in which people are experiencing the problems. Our work is at the intersection of human-centered design, multidisciplinary science, and this new context of the future of life preparation, navigation, and sustainable success.

Our signature multiyear National Initiatives address critical national gaps between the old 20th Century paradigms and what we must now know to succeed in the 21st Century based on our new context.

The New American Dream is Personal​

The last several years have brought about more change than we have seen in our lifetime, and we are struggling to keep pace in all areas of our lives, but we currently have no measure that tracks the pain points and the progress of the average person through the lens of this new 21st-century context toward our New American Dream.

Annual Personal State of The Union

We have created the first of its kind Blueprint’s Annual Personal State of the Union which is a measure of the new American dream of success, well-being, and sustainability. Our inaugural report is a meta-analysis of the recent data, surveys, research, and trends that have defined our economic, financial, mental, work, and lifestyle over the last year.

The Economy is Personal: Beyond GDP Initiative

We are the creators of a new branch of economics that we have termed Personal EconomicsTM. It is the economy from a human-centered perspective. The Personal Economy accounts for the collective and cumulative effect of the contextual factors that impact our economic and personal health.

Personal Economics tracks and measures the changing context, headwinds, and economic realities in which the average person operates. It moves beyond only measuring the the growth of the economy to measuring the growth of our standard and quality of living.

The Personal Economy 2030 Goal

Our goal is to have by 2030, regular national measurement and reporting of Personal Economy data, just as we report regularly on measures of the health of our macroeconomy.

From 20th Century Education to 21st Century Preparation

Twentieth-century education teaches us how to follow well-defined paths from grade school to college, and we were were reasonably guaranteed a measure of job and income security. Today, access to those paths is more constrained, its financial toll more burdensome, and the path offers no such guarantee.

Our Education system is preparing us for a world that no longer exists.

Our goal is to have by 2030, regular national measurement and reporting of Personal Economy data, just as we report regularly on measures of the health of our macroeconomy.

Paying it Forward

Blueprint Global Preparation 2030 Platform

Our goal is that by 2030, every student should have access to all the key skills and literacies that are now essential for life success. To that end, Blueprint Global is creating a platform for students to have access to life preparation regardless of where they live or go to school.

10% of all proceeds from all of Blueprint Global’s programs go toward developing our Preparation 2030 platform.

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