Our 2030 goal is to create a national, human-centered frame and measure of human health that captures our underlying well-being and sustainability, and encompasses our lived experience not just our consumer spending.
The Future is Human
The constant high volatility of the world means that we are living and navigating tougher, more volatile, and uncertain conditions. So, the American Dream is no longer just about your current success. It is about your ability to sustain your personal and economic well-being today and in the future. We, therefore, don’t just want to live longer; we want to live healthier in all aspects of our lives.
Measuring Human Sustainability
Our national success metrics, however, do not measure our actual lives. They do not measure our personal standard or quality of living, our personal and economic well-being, or our progress toward our own American Dream. We, therefore, need to broaden how we measure national success to include human sustainability.